International Children’s Day

Here at Project Happiness, every moment of the day is dedicated and motivated by children, their rights and freedoms. All our activities are motivated by them and all projects are dedicated to them. In our association, every day is a child’s day.
But here is a short story about how the child’s day came about.
In order to celebrate the spirit of the children and their talents, the United Nations General Assembly in 1954 recommended that all countries in the world set aside one day for this purpose. Urging each country to observe the day of the date it deems appropriate, the UN said: “Children’s Day will be considered a symbol of world brotherhood and understanding and will also be an opportunity to promote the well-being of children.” Initially, International Children’s Day began in Turkey on June 1, 1920, and was later adopted by Geneva during the 1925 World Conference.
With the creation of World Children’s Day, UN member states recognized children, regardless of race, color, gender, religion and national or social origin, the right to affection, love, understanding, adequate food, medical care, free education, protection from all forms of exploitation and growth in a climate of universal peace and brotherhood.
Many countries have established Children’s Day, but it is not usually celebrated as a national holiday. For example, some countries mark Children’s Day on November 20 as Universal Children’s Day. This day was founded by the United Nations in 1954 and aims to promote the well-being of children around the world.